This is your brand statement.
Highlight what you do in just a sentence or two. Make it bold and fun and punchy.
Simple, personal statement goes here.
Put your “brand bio” here - a paragraph of who you are, what you do and how you do it. You don’t have to add it all - we’ll have the About Page for that. This is just a little teaser of what you’re all about and your style of coaching. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur mollis venenatis risus ac rhoncus. Sed eget scelerisque ligula. In bibendum sem dapibus, tincidunt leo sit amet, sagittis metus. Maecenas pharetra nunc vitae ligula facilisis dictum. Suspendisse quis purus cursus, porttitor leo non, placerat augue. Duis eu justo quis turpis pulvinar fermentum.
Here’s a place to talk a little more about YOU. Not just your coaching or style but you as a person. Again, you don’t have to add it all - we’ll have the About Page for that. This just introduces you and all of your fabulousness to your future client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur mollis venenatis risus ac rhoncus. Sed eget scelerisque ligula. In bibendum sem dapibus, tincidunt leo sit amet, sagittis metus.
Testimonials - aka what it’s like working with you.
Hire Julie to facilitate with your team or group.
Julie’s work is great done in a group or team environment. If you are looking for a facilitator or integration specialist, Julie can customize the work to your specific needs. Consider her help with the following topics:
Sometimes our brains just need a little boost allowing our learnings to really sink into our unconscious mind. Julie uses simple relaxation techniques to help with integration.
A habit is simply something done with repetition, thought with repetition or felt with repetition. Knowing how to strategically change the patterns of our brains is what allows us to make big change and shifts.
Sometimes we create goals that are just so big and nebulous our brain doesn’t know where to start. In tapping into our unconscious mind, Julie is able to help you and your teammates decipher what your next smallest step is towards that big goal.