“AMAZING… Thank you for bringing the magic!”
After hearing Ashley’s personal transformation in quitting her 40 year addiction to Diet Coke, Laura reached out to get Ashley’s help with her own Diet Coke addiction.
They worked together via a single session and by the end of their time together, the client was repulsed by the mere idea of a Diet Coke. She sent a follow up text to Ashley a few weeks later that said,
“AMAZING. The “sodas” sitting in my fridge are not exerting any magnetic pull like they used to. They are quite literally dead to me. I am realizing now how Diet Coke increases my appetite and makes me eat more. I have ZERO interest in drinking it. In fact, I just told my husband I was done with Diet Coke. Literally five minutes ago. And he’s heard this 1000x already but I know its’ the last time I’ll say it. Thank you for bringing the magic!”