Want to make a
big change in your life but struggle to actually take action?
Chances are your brain is actually getting in the way!
Together we can help you use it to your advantage and get started right away.
Change doesn’t have to be nearly as hard as we often expect it to be.
Cut through the procrastination, fear, excuses
and finally do it!
Specializing in anxiety, addiction/habits and stress management techniques that my clients can learn to do themselves. Together we will actually rewire your brain and change habituated, unconscious patterns using tools that are remarkably simple, yet backed by the latest neuroscientific research!
Hey, I’m Ashley. I believe ever so strongly in the need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.
Having grown up in a strict, patriarchal religion, suffering from narcissistic abuse, and becoming someone’s caretaker at an early age… I have, just like all of my clients, struggled with anxiety, shame, guilt, codependency and self-worth issues.
Having studied under some of the world’s most premier coaches, hypnotists and change makers I now happily helps others break free of that mental baggage that can become so cumbersome for so many people, especially women.
(a few testimonials…)
Hire Ashley to facilitate with your team or group.
This work is great done in a group or team environment. If you are looking for a facilitator or integration specialist, I can customize the work to your specific needs. Consider my help with the following topics:
Sometimes our brains just need a little boost allowing our learnings to really sink into our unconscious mind. Ashley uses simple relaxation techniques to help with integration.
A habit is simply something done with repetition, thought with repetition or felt with repetition. Knowing how to strategically change the patterns of our brains is what allows us to make big change and shifts.
Sometimes we create goals that are just so big and nebulous our brain doesn’t know where to start. In tapping into our unconscious mind, Ashley is able to help you and your teammates decipher what your next smallest step is towards that big goal.