We live the stories that we tell ourselves over and over again.
It’s our self-hypnotic reality.
So why not get intentional with those stories?
Imagine what could change for you.
If you just started to tell yourself a new story about who you really are & what’s possible for you..
Last year I'd built up this really fabulous daily practice that combined journaling with vision boarding with hypnosis and it was fucking magical! 📖 💖🌀💫
Things were REALLY shifting for me and it was incredible.
I really was becoming the person that I wrote about on those pages.
I felt like that person.
I was doing those things...
It was incredibly powerful.
Story time!
And then some pretty heavy life shit happened and I fell off the wagon and quit this daily practice.
But I’m bringin’ it back!
And I would LOVE for you to join me!
I’ve started this incredible daily ritual back up and this time, I’m doing it with friends and I’d love to have you join me!
Because I know how much power there is in community.
And I know how lonely it can feel chasing your big wild fantastic dreams all on your own.
Vision Scripting
Where hypnosis meets journaling meets manifestation.
And in that “place”… magic happens.
Here’s a sneak peak of what’s in store for you with us “Vision Scripters”, as I’m calling us. 😊
✨ 2 Hour Kick-Off Vision Scripting Call Recording where all is explained, I lead you through a juicy trance for getting clear on the things you want to call into your life, about the way you want to be and feel and all that fun stuff. (So that you know what you want to include in your script.) And then we stay online and write out the first version of our "Vision Script".
✨ Vision Scripting Tracking Document because we all know, what gets measured gets done and, more than that… our brains love little dopamine hits and what’s better for a little dopamine hit than coloring in a star on a tracking sheet every day that you write your script!
“Oh my gosh I can’t believe how much of my life I was just on autopilot and not really thinking about what I wanted or how I would get there.
Vision Scripting gave me a chance to take control of my life back, and finally get intentional about creating the life I wanted to lead. And as soon as I started the program, I began to see little but significant shifts in all aspects of my life. I can really see it all beginning to snowball and create bigger and bigger changes for me.
Thank You Ashley, this program has been such a blessing!”
Vision Script’er Karen
You in??? We hope so!
“Vision Scripting is such a wonderful program!
The teachings are great, but what makes it unique is Ashley’s radiant & joyful energy!”
Vision Script’er Jean Baptiste

Just imagine…
How great it feels to finally be doing the damn thing and living the life you’ve been dreaming about but afraid to try for.
“Getting into a regular practice of scripting with Ashey's guidance has really helped me get focused and tuned into manifesting my desires.
Ashley’s commitment to her clients and this process is like no other I’ve seen— and gentle energy and presence is the ultimate bonus! I feel supported and excited in working with her.”
Vision Script’er Mona
Please consider this your personal invitation.
We would love to have you join us.
“Vision Scripting can feel like your guiding the glimmers of your life.
And Ashley is the loveliest guide who takes the pressure off as this being a “have to“ type of chore to a lovely thing we do for ourselves.”
Vision Script’er Jean