Ready to finally make that change you’ve been dreaming of for so long?
What do you want to change?
Maybe you have a hard time sleeping.
Or, maybe you struggle with anxiety and stressful ruminations or worries.
Maybe you want to finally promote that new service or offering in your business but every time you have an opportunity to spread the word you avoid it.
Or, you know you need to make a change in your life to be healthier but feel overwhelmed by the idea. Maybe it’s to quit drinking, smoking, sodas, cut back on sugar, move your body more…
Maybe you want to start a new business or make a big move but feel overwhelmed with how to even get started. Orrr… maybe fear of failure is keeping you frozen.
Whatever it is…
Before we move on…
shake that shit off.
I know… it can feel like a lot.
Really…. Move your body… shake it out, take a deep breath… let go of any of of that yucky juju that comes up when you think about the thing you’re ready to change.
Okay… feelin’ a little better??
Time for the fun part!
Get dreamy…
Imagine how great it feels when you’ve made that change.
When you’re the kind of person that just does the thing, whatever “the thing” may be for you.
Imagine how great you feel when you finally get a good night’s sleep.
What would things be like for you if rather than stressed and anxious, you felt confident and calm?
Or imagine your business is growing and expanding and it all feels really natural and comfortable because you’re promoting your services and feeling really aligned and excited about your offers.
Spreading the word feels easy and fun!
Imagine how great you feel making healthy choices. How great does it feel to have finally quit the drinking, smoking, sodas, cut back on sugar, to finally be moving your body more?!
And how does it feel to finally start that business…. to make the big move… to do the damn thing!

Again, just imagine…
And allow yourself a moment to feel how great it feels to finally make that big change.
Kinda wild, right?
Even just imagining what it is like to be the kind of person that makes this change, looking back on that problem, it may already seem a little bit distant.
And you can begin to grasp now just how easy change becomes, can you not? Because a person is able to make change simply because you want to do it for yourself. And now that you have decided that you want to make this change, you will discover how easy it is to change with the help of hypnosis.
“Before meeting with Ashley I felt excited but unsure about how such a short meeting could provide transformation in my life. I asked to meet with her to tackle my anxious thoughts about movement and exercise. The thought of exercising or the act of doing it required waaay too much prep work or mental hyping. I wasn't sure why, how to fix it, or if there was a possibility of anything different.
When Ashley and I met it was even easier than she had originally explained. A memory came up around exercise, we worked through the emotions connected to it and healed those memories. They no longer sting and my relationship with movement has improved tremendously!
I can't wait for our next session!”
Client Maranda
Ashley’s Framework For Change
Stop the Habit
Right away, you will learn tools for how to stop any habituated pattern, dead in its tracks. Whether it’s a craving, a habituated thought or feeling, an addiction, you name it - you will have the tools to stop before leaving your very first session.
Neutralize the "Trigger"
Whatever it is that “triggers” or causes these habituated responses for you -that anxiety, that craving, that stress response… Not only are we going to stop the response… we are going to neutralize whatever it is that is causing that response to happen in your brain.
Find Clarity & Understanding
Our human brains want to understand why, and how things got to be the way they are. We’ll work together to tap into your unconscious mind to understand the positive intention behind every thought, behavior, reaction. Because there is always a positive intention.
The Process
It’s simple - I’ve made it nice and easy for you to finally get started and make that change!
Click on Book A Free Call anywhere on this site and you’ll be directed to my scheduling page where you can book your Free Consult Call right away.
This is where we’ll get to know one another, we’ll talk about the change you want to make and I’ll tell you a little more about my style and methods.
After our consult call, I will send you a link to sign up and book your first session. I structure my change work and hypnosis services in packs of 3 sessions.
We’ll meet via our own private zoom room yet again and jump right into the work. All of our sessions are totally tailored to you and what comes up in that particular moment.
“OMG I don't even know how it happened but that nervous twitch I was doing without even realizing I was doing it... IT'S GONE!
Whatever you did... it worked!
I'm so grateful, thank you. You are doing incredible work and the world is lucky to have you sharing this wonderful talent.”
Client Cynthia
You will absolutely see positive change after a single session. That said, I offer my services in packages of 3 sessions because I’ve found it usually takes that many sessions to not only stop the habit, but also neutralize the “trigger”/work through any heated memories, etc and then finally find clarity and understanding. Our human brains always want to understand why or how we do what we do and so an important part of change work is getting that clarity from your unconscious mind.
Everyone’s session is different. But in general, I use a mix of conversational change work and hypnosis along with the more cozy, comfy trance work you might expect when you hear the word hypnosis. People are often most surprised by the amount of incredibly powerful work we can do conversationally and by how much they are in control when in trance. (You can check out my blog posts for further explanation on what it’s like to be hypnotized to know what to expect.)
Again, I’ve found that 3 sessions is the perfect way to start to give us enough time to really work through an issue.
My rate for the 3 session package is currently $400 usd.
I do reserve a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots on my calendar each month for those that are truly unable to afford the standard rate. Please reach out to discuss your situation and to put your name on the list for the next available pay-what-you-can spot. -
Well, chances are the feelings are mutual! And, I do have a hypno-coaching package that I offer for my existing clients that want to take their change work even farther… maybe work on tackling some larger goals, etc - and I’m more than happy to tell you about it! (Typically in these instances we do bi-weekly calls with email support in between.) Just send me a quick note and I can tell you about the process and make sure we keep up the good work.