Ready to finally cut the cravings and break that bad habit?
Hey, I'm Ashley.
I'm a Certified Integrative Change Worker, Hypnotist & Mindset Coach but that's not really what matters.
What matters is...
I get what it feels like to have some pesky bad habit that you just can't seem to shake.

I get what it's like for your body to physically feel like it "needs"
that soda,
or that glass of wine
or to check your email one last time before bed,
or that pull to bite your nails,
or the stress/boredom snacking...
(lest we forget, bad habits/cravings/compulsions come in all forms)
I used to wake up in the morning and crack open a Diet Coke FIRST THING.
Just to take a single sip to get that hit of the fizz.
I knew I wanted to be healthier, to take better care of myself and I knew what I was drinking was basically poison wrapped up in a shiny can. But I just couldn't get myself to really want to stop or to do anything about it.
And then I started to learn how the brain works, and how we form habits and how we can break habits.
One day I went through this exact protocol, and just like that...
I suddenly became the kind of person who just simply doesn't drink Diet Coke.
After forty years of being someone that had to have a diet coke all the time.
YES… you read that right… FORTY YEARS!
The cravings were gone.
All the "jonesing" for the fizz, for the flavor, for that cold fresh relaxing moment... GONE.
That was January 8, 2023. I haven't had a sip of Diet Coke ever since.
And, all at once, I also realized for myself, how much control I have over each and every thought and habit that I have. It's been empowering and refreshing to suddenly realize there is an actual way to rewire those habituated thoughts running through my mind all the time.
Now I help other people get a handle on their cravings, just like I did with mine.
“You are MAGIC!
Since last Wednesday, I’ve only sprinkled a tiny bit of sugar on my cereal, had 1 Sour Patch Watermelon and a bite of a cookie. The old me would have doused my cereal with sugar every morning, eaten the entire bag of Sour Patch and gone through a plateful of cookies without even thinking about it! It feels so good to feel like I’m in control of what I do and don’t eat.
This is blowing my mind! Thank you!”
Client Carlynn
Together we will:
Stop Any Trigger, Craving or Thought In Its Tracks
You have more control over your thoughts that you really think you do and I will show you how to stop a craving/trigger right away.
Re-wire Your Brain
Sounds wild and perhaps a little creepy... I know! But right away, you'll learn tools to reprogram your brain away from the thing you want to change and start to condition in whatever it is you want to be feeling or doing instead.
Really Cement In The Change
Using a guided hypnosis/meditation, you'll practice the change in your mind. Because, the cool thing is, your mind doesn't know the difference between when you're using a mental rehearsal to practice and when you're actually doing the thing. So via mental rehearsal, we're able to "practice" that new, habit-free life and really reinforce the change in our minds!
The Process
It’s simple - I’ve made it nice and easy for you to finally get started and cut the crap and cut the cravings.
All in just one session!
No more excuses!
You can sign up and book your session right here. I’m currently offering a huge “Temporada Baja” discount so book your session while I still have spots available! (these sessions are normally $150 usd but I’m currently offering them for $1,000MNX! - that’s less than half of the normal price!)
Once you book your session, you’ll receive a link to fill out a quick survey. This is where you can tell me more about your situation and what you’d like to work on during our time together. Please fill that out right away so we can make the most of our time together.
We’ll meet via our own private zoom room and jump right into the work. All of our sessions are totally tailored to you and what comes up in that particular moment.
“Things are going AMAZING! The sodas sitting in my fridge are not exerting any magnetic pull. They are quite literally dead to me. I am realizing now how diet coke makes me eat more. I have ZERO interest in drinking it. In fact, I just told my husband I was done with Diet Coke. Literally 5 minutes ago. And he has heard this 1000s of times already but I know this is the last time I’ll say it. Thank you for bringing the magic!”
*sent a few days after our session
“Still no Diet Coke. Not even one. Just had Covid and didn’t even want it then. 😊”
*sent a month after our session
Client Laura
You will absolutely cut this craving during our session together. And I will teach you how to deal with other situations, cravings, etc so you can continue to do the work on your own going forward.
I do generally offer my hypno-coaching / change work services in packages of 3 sessions because I’ve found it usually takes that many sessions to not only stop the habit, but also neutralize the “trigger”/work through any heated memories, etc and then finally find clarity and understanding. Our human brains always want to understand why or how we do what we do and so an important part of change work is getting that clarity from your unconscious mind.
But for those of us ready to just cut that craving… this package is perfect! -
Everyone’s session is different. But in general, I use a mix of conversational change work and hypnosis along with the more cozy, comfy trance work you might expect when you hear the word hypnosis. People are often most surprised by the amount of incredibly powerful work we can do conversationally and by how much they are in control when in trance. (You can check out my blog posts for further explanation on what it’s like to be hypnotized to know what to expect.)
My normal rate for the Cut The Craving Single Session is $150 usd. I’m currently offering a “Temporada Baja” Special for just $1,000 MXN pesos or $60 usd (60% off the normal rate!)
Well, chances are the feelings are mutual! And, after our initial session, we’ll have a better feel for how you can be best supported moving forward and we can discuss the best next step for you. Just send me a quick note and I can tell you about the process and make sure we keep up the good work.