Why I Cuss

Brace yourself... I'm feelin' spicy today! 😆

Recently I was chatting with a client, doing some change work and helping them change some hoarding tendencies that they were ready to let go of.

Before our conversation I "warned" them that I cuss a lot.

And, knowing that I myself am a change worker and hypnotist and help people make real, significant, lasting change in their lives... he said to me... "You know, you could change that...."

To which I quickly and emphatically replied... Oh, NO, NO, NO.... it is absolutely not something that I want to change. It's actually something that I very much love about myself. 🙃

Just because you CAN change something... doesn't mean you have to.

For me, I LOVE to cuss....

I think it's my own little way of telling the patriarchy to Fuck Off. 😊

You see, I grew up in a strict, oppressive, patriarchal religion (but, isn't patriarchal and religious synonymous and redundant??? 🤔 But, I digress....)

Anyway, one of our many rules was, of course, not to cuss. And for MANY years of my life, I took that rule and all of the other rules about what a "good girl" was supposed to do and not do to heart.

I awe shoot'ed and gosh darn'ed my way through life.

Over time, I was able to break out of that tight religious hold and realize what resonated with me was not organized religion and old white men telling me how to live my life but rather spirituality, my connection to the universe as a whole and, well... thinking for myself!

One of the ways that I have learned to give the middle finger to the patriarchy (aka to tell it to FUCK OFF 😊) is through my new, colorful language. 😊

It's funny, because I remember going to a therapist as a kid, and she recommended "swear therapy" to me - basically cussing up a storm to get some of my bottled up emotions out. Oh my dear lord I was HORRIFIED by even the mere suggestion of using language to express my emotions, especially those "bad words".

Hahahaha my how times have changed!

Here's to all the bold, brave, fabulous women saying 🖕 to the patriarchy one Fuck, Shit, Damn.... at a time! 😝

P.S. If you're curious about all this change work and hypnosis stuff I keep talking about, I'm still offering free first sessions and I would love to help you if there is something that you're feeling stuck on or would like to change in your life. Things like habits you're ready to kick or perhaps new ones you would like to create, breaking up with addictions, anxieties, etc... the list goes on and on.

Use this link to book your free consult call because I promise, we'll have fun and make some serious lasting change in your life, all in just one hour!


Transforming Cravings Into Ick


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